Zindi is a talent hub for Data Science: benshi.ai Case Study

2 min readOct 20, 2022

“Hiring with Zindi was smooth, communication was easy and we recruited a valued team member who has been with the organisation for more than a year, which makes him one of our longest-serving employees — as we are a startup.” Álvaro Benito Fernández, benshi.ai, Media & Public Relations Officer.

Understanding the hiring need

benshi.ai approached Zindi looking to recruit a data scientist who lived in or was connected to Nigeria. It was important to have local expertise and understanding, this would improve the organisation’s success by having a diverse workforce.

benshi.ai leverages operational machine learning and data-driven personalisation for impact-driven mobile applications. The company is based in Barcelona, Spain, and works closely with partners across Africa and Southeast Asia, with a specific focus on Nigeria. They work closely with partners to push the frontiers of AI and global health, democratising access to machine learning technology for health organisations in low- and middle-income countries.

Zindi Solution

Zindi has over 50 000 talented and passionate data scientists from all over Africa and the rest of the world, with 60% open to new professional opportunities. We have placed top talent in reputable companies and our mission is to make AI more accessible for all, by building an ecosystem to connect data scientists to organisations looking for talent and solutions.

With the increasing demand for data scientists, Zindi has been at the forefront of equipping graduates with the right skills for the job market, through practical data science learning, peer-to-peer mentoring, and career fairs where Zindians interact with potential employers and leading industry movers.

With a database of over 20 000 Nigerian data scientists, we did not have a hard time placing a candidate. Our profiling includes checking enrolment and performance in real-world data science challenges and reviewing platform behaviour for other professional traits and soft skills. Lastly, Zindians can share their skills and CV via their Zindi profiles.

Based on benshi.ai’s job specification, we shortlisted four candidates, interviewed three and placed one within weeks.

“I would gladly recommend Zindi as a hiring partner for data science roles,” says Alvaro.

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Zindi hosts the largest community of African data scientists, working to solve the world’s most pressing challenges using machine learning and AI.